Hillhacks Bangalore 2014
Hillhacks is a two week long event in Dharamsala, Himachal Pradesh with participants from all around India and around the world. It's organized by CCC and freaklabs as well as participants from MIT Media Lab, Tibetan Children's Village, Dharamsala International Film Festival, local hackerspaces and many more (you can be one of them!)
This Bangalore run-up event consists of lightning talks, a party and a hackathon for anyone interested in attending the main event, or just interested in the idea.
Please add your 5-min-lightning talk or demo of projects and things around technology and it's impact on our world and society (and what we can do about it) in the hillhacks-wiki: hillhacks.in/bangalore
Dates of the main conference and the workshops are:
- conference at 24-26th October
- Diwali fest with LEDs on Thursday 23rd,
- and hands-on workshops in the two weeks before: not only amongs experts, but very much also with local kids and grown-ups.
The event is community-driven, non-commmercial, unconferenced and barcamped: Everything just happens cause volunteers are doing it – based on the love and joy of playing around with technology. People donate time, tools and money to make something new happen: Different disciplines around technology getting together at the foothills of the Himalaya.
Other hillhacks pre-events will be happening in Chennai, Kolkata, Kathmandu, Ahmedabad, Kangra and Delhi. Wanna have one at your place? Contact mail(at)hillhacks.in.