A few artist's organizations have come together as the Umbrella group to collaborate on spaces and projects. As part of this, we plan to index all the books in our various collections, and enable access to them. We're usinghttp://openlibrary.org to enter data about the books and associate them with groups / people that own them.
The plan is, to start with, build a simple website to find books you're looking for and who to contact to get access to them, using the openlibrary.org API, but is completely open to ideas to facilitatesharing of things, both digital and analog.
The event also marks solidarity with Aaron Swartz.
If this seems interesting, bring your laptop / coding device and come :) - wifi, food and beer shall be provided.

Code is at http://github.com/cosmicnag/umbrella

Sanjay Bhangar
No Projects

Other Participants

Simon Worthington
No Projects